SIRG Coordination Committee

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  1. The SIRG Co-ordination Committee shall co-ordinate SIRG activities with the functions and activities of the Association to ensure co-ordinated scheduling of events and active participation in the Association’s research activities, conferences, academy events and congresses.
  2. The Committee shall report to council at its annual meeting and carry out activities as directed by the President and / or Council.
  3. It shall consist of:
    1. A Vice-President (Chairperson)
    2. The Treasurer
    3. The Secretary
    4. The Academy Director
    5. A representative from each SIRG.
  4. SIRGs may appoint a permanent representative to the Committee or may appoint a rotating member to represent the SIRG at each meeting.  SIRGs may designate an alternative to the permanent member to represent the SIRG in the absence of the permanent member.


SIRG Coordination Committee

A Vice-President (Chair): TBD

Treasurer: Keith McVilly

Secretary: Hélène Ouellette-Kuntz

Academy Director: Roy Brown

Aging SIRG Representative: TBD

Challenging Behavior and Mental Health SIRG Representative: Jane McCarthy

Comparative Policy and Practice SIRG Represenative: TBD

Down Syndrome SIRG Represenatative: TBD

Ethics SIRG Representative: TBD

Families SIRG Representative: TBD

Health Issues SIRG Representative TBD

Parenting with IDD SIRG Representative TBD

Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities SIRG Representative: TBD

Quality of Life SIRG Representative TBD


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